Results will be published in an international academic journal

Professor Kim Jong-ho 
Professor Kim Jong-ho 

Professor Kim Jong-ho and his research team from the Hanyang University ERICA Campus' Department of Material Sciences and Chemical Engineering, developed a new synthetic antibody technology that quickly diagnoses and treats bacterial infectious diseases.

An original protein based antibody is being used in the diagnosis of various infectious diseases because it can selectively recognize bacteria and effectively kill them. However, the drawback is it takes more than three months to produce, as well as requiring an environment between 20~70 degrees below zero for long-term preservation. 

 Professor Kim Jong-ho's research team attached peptides on the metallic chemical nanosheet with perovskite. Through this process, the team composed synthetic antibodies and conducted experiments on different bacteria that cause food poisoning, such as colon bacillus, salmonella, and staphylococcus.

When the bonded synthetic antibody and bacteria are exposed to  near-infrared rays, the bonded area vibrates and causes friction. As a result, heat higher than 70℃ is created and kills the bacteria.

Currently, more than 12 hours are needed in order to detect bacteria in blood and urine. However, when using the synthetic antibody, the bacteria detection time  is reduced to within an hour. Moreover, the antibody can be synthesized within three days and is also safe at room temperature.

Professor Kim Jong-he explained, "We will continue research to allow diagnosis and treatment of more bacteria varities." In September 2015, this research was selected for funding by the Samsung Future Technology Development Project. 

Meanwhile, the result has been acknowledged as a source of technology research for a new nano synthetic antibody synthesis method and diagnosis/treatment technology. The thesis was published in Advanced Materials on May 23rd.

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