- Conveying a unified meaning based on choreographers' different body expressions is important
- Understanding the choreographer's intent by accepting the stage as it is is the key
- The ultimate choreographer, a lifelong dream since childhood

Kim Sung-yong (Department of Dance, class of '99) took office as the Representative and Artistic Director of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company in May. On the 4th of last month, he presented his first choreographic work to the audience. His choreography, “Jungle - Sense and Response,” received much acclaim, and through this performance, he showcased his unique choreographic values to the public. We met and chat with Kim, who has taken on the role of balancing administrative aspects and artistic achievements.

▲This is the position of Kim Sung-yong (Department of Dance, Class of '99), Representative and Artistic Director of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company. Kim handles administrative tasks in this space. ⓒ Reporter Jung Dae-eun
▲This is the position of Kim Sung-yong (Department of Dance, Class of '99), Representative and Artistic Director of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company. Kim handles administrative tasks in this space. ⓒ Reporter Jung Dae-eun


Ultimately, the Dancer's Movements Expresses One


The first choreographic work of Kim as the Representative and Artistic Director of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company is “Jungle - Sense and Response”. He believes that the environment is crucial when expressing the “uniqueness” of individual dancers. He chose the “jungle,” as an adequate place where sensation and reaction coexist and can sensitively awaken a dancer's senses. He stated, "The essence of dance is the movement of the body," and added, "Since each dancer's body is different, even if I give them the same choreography, they will express it differently. I focused on the individual differences among the dancers”.

There is a special meaning that Kim wanted to capture in “Jungle - Sense and Response.” He aimed to depict the process of starting differently and eventually integrating into one on the stage itself. The journey of getting onto the stage, as Kim sees it, is about turning various elements into a connected emotion. He explained, "When individuals think differently and communicate, they begin to feel something in common. Through communication, they eventually start looking at the same thing together."


▲ Under Kim's leadership, rehearsals for the choreography “Jungle - Sense and Response" are taking place. Dancers are coming together to enhance the completeness of the stage. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company
▲ Under Kim's leadership, rehearsals for the choreography “Jungle - Sense and Response" are taking place. Dancers are coming together to enhance the completeness of the stage. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company


Understanding the Choreographer's Intent is Key


He emphasized the importance of understanding the choreographer's intent. When watching a dance performance, it's difficult to fully grasp the stage if the audience only interprets it according to their thoughts. Therefore, one should accept the stage as it appears before them.

He recalled a critique from one particular critic who said, "It was a genuine work", and mentioned that this critique left a deep impression on him. He said, "Most critics focus on the artistic process, but this critic didn't approach it in the usual way and simply embraced the stage itself." He continued, "It felt fulfilling because it seemed like the audience saw the choreography just as I had intended."

▲ This is the actual stage of the choreography “Jungle - Sense and Response". You can see the dancers performing their movements on the stage. This stage has received much acclaim. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company
▲ This is the actual stage of the choreography “Jungle - Sense and Response". You can see the dancers performing their movements on the stage. This stage has received much acclaim. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company


Life Accompanied by Dance


He felt a particularly heavy sense of responsibility for this choreography, but he expressed that the challenges he faced throughout the entire process, along with the dancers, allowed him to grow even further. This stage was particularly special to him. He said, "Ever since I started choreographing at the age of 15, I've always dreamed of becoming the best choreographer." He continued, "I am finally in the position I dreamed of when I was young."


▲ This is Kim, who has taken on the role of the Representative and Artistic Director of the  Korea National Contemporary Dance Company. You can see his determination and commitment. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company
▲ This is Kim, who has taken on the role of the Representative and Artistic Director of the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company. You can see his determination and commitment. ⓒ Korea National Contemporary Dance Company

Kim completed all of his degrees, from undergraduate to master's and eventually doctoral, at Hanyang University. He said, "I began my journey as a professional dancer at Hanyang University." He expressed his gratitude to Hanyang University, stating, "The experiences of working hard, such as staying up late to complete assignments, have become a source of strength that has helped me endure difficult times in the future."

The Ability to Create Opportunities


Kim shared words of encouragement with Hanyang University students and fellow dancers. He said, "I believe all of you are working hard towards something you've set as a goal. However, the ability to create opportunities is just as important. Work diligently to create opportunities for your dreams and believe in yourself. You can do it!"


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