September 2021

Accelerating Hydrogen Economy with New Tech to Reduce Platinum in Fuel Cells
Interest in hydrogen and fuel cells is increasing as the transition to the hydrogen economy continues with a series of declarations of carbon neutrality in many advanced countries. The government also shows a strong will to become a hydrogen economy by implementing the world's first hydrogen law in 2020 and the "2050 Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy." Although the country was resource-poor in the fossil fuel era, it can now become an energy powerhouse with technology. While major countries and global companies are competitively focusing on securing hydrogen technology, the paradigm shift to "hydrogen society" is accelerating. 
In line with the transition, Professor Yi Sung-chul from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Hanyang University, Dr. Jung Chi-young from the Korea Institute of Energy Research, and their research team have secured a source technology to reduce the price of MEAs (Membrane Electrode Assembly) for vehicles and buildings, opening the possibility of mass production of MEAs and contributing to the transition to the hydrogen economy...


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